UKSSSC Sugarcane Supervisor Syllabus

UKSSSC Sugarcane Supervisor Syllabus


Environmental pollution/issues- soil, water, air; global wanning, greenhouse effect. Pollutants- biodegradable and non-biodegradable. Biodiversity: need, methods  of conservation. Renewable and non-rencwablc sources of energy. Impact of modern agriculture on the environment.

State of matter and its  classification. Osmosis, diffusion, solution. Atomic  theory. Atomic structure. Discovery  of electrons, protons, and neutrons. Atomic  number, electronic  distribution in orbits. pH scale.

Cell structure and functions  and types  of cells, cell organelles, cell division, cell cycle. Tissue; plant and animal, types  of tissues. Microorganisms: viruses, bacteria, cyanobacteria, fungi, and protists. Root and stem; structure, functions, and types. Leaf anatomy, secondary  growth of stem and roots.

Types  of Revolution in the agriculture sector in India. Central agricultural research institutes, milk preservation. Classification of carbohydrates, amino acids, fats, and lipids. Source of vitamins, fats, minerals, and proteins. Balanced diet.

Units, dimensions, measurements, scalar and vector quantities, force, work, energy, and power. Motion in a straight line. Circular motion, friction, the law of motion, the law of gravitation, simple pendulum, acceleration due to gravity, transverse and longitudinal waves, wave motion, and types of mechanical waves.

Current  general  knowledge  and  cunent  scientific  advancement  with  the  topics  included  mentioned above.




Introduction to agriculture, scope, and role of agriculture in the Indian economy  and nutritional security. Classification of crops  based on the nomenclature, season, life cycle, economic importance, and nutritional value.

Field crops  and cultivation technology  of cereals  and millets  (wheat, rice, maize, and sorghum); pulses (Pigeonpea, Black gram, soybean, and pea); oilseeds (groundnut, sunflower, and mustard); fiber crops  (jute and cotton); cash crop (Sugarcane and potato); forage crops  (berseem and sorghum).

Fanning system, cropping system, cropping pattern, crop rotation. Tillage: definition, objective, types, and importance. Zero tillage. Irrigation: types and methods, drainage and its types. Weeds and their types, advantages, and disadvantages. Herbicides  and their classification. Climate and weather, elements  of weather, rainfall, temperature, humidity, wind, solar radiation, dew, cloud. Introduction to various  agro meteorological equipment and Weather forecasting. Current general knowledge and current scientific advancement with the topics included mentioned above.


Agricultural tools, equipment, machinery, and their uses. Materials  used in the manufacturing of agricultural tools, plough, and its  types; other agricultural cquipments-Cultivator, hoe, harrow, tractor, and its types; duster and sprayers. Centrifugal pump and turbine pump.

Current general knowledge and current scientific advancement with the topics included mentioned above.


Importance of horticulture in the Indian economy. Nursery and its management. Orchard planning and layout. Propagation methods  in horticultural crops. Fruits  and their classification. Cultivation technique of important fruit crops (mango, apple, banana, peach, guava, litchi, papaya). Vegetables and their classification, cultivation practices  of important vegetables  (Cole crops, Cucurbitaceae, Solanaceae, roots  crops, and bulb crops). Importance of floriculture, Cultivation technique of important flowers (marigold, rose, and chrysanthemum). Post-harvest management and storage of fruits and vegetables.

Introduction to agriculture, scope, and role of agriculture in the Indian economy  and nutritional security. Classification of crops  based on the nomenclature, season, life cycle, economic importance, and nutritional value.


Soil types  and classification, distribution, soil profile, soil formation, soil conservation, soil erosion, soil weathering, physical properties  of soil (texture, structure, and density), and reclamation of acidic  and basic  soils. Soil fertility, productivity, and concept of essential plant nutrients. Classification of essential plant nutrients. Roles and functions of essential plant nutrients, their importance, and deficiency symptoms.

Introduction to soil pH and Organic  Carbon. Introduction to manure, fertilizers, Biofertilizers, and their methods of application. Concept of Integrated Nutrient Management (1NM). Important insect pests  and diseases  of crops. Types  of fungicides, causes  of diseases, and their management (chemical, biological and mechanical). Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Concept, history, and importance of Organic  farming. Present status  and contribution to the National economy. Important Government Schemes for the promotion of organic farming in India.

Current general knowledge and current scientific advancement with the topics included mentioned above.


Important subsidiary  enterprises  based on Agriculture including Horticulture and their importance in the socio-economic status of an individual. Mushrooms, their nutritional status, and methods of production. Beekeeping and its important usage and importance of Honey, Wax, and Royal jelly and sericulture. Preparation of Bio-pesticides  (plant-based). Setting up nurseries  and marketing plant saplings and important Govt. Schemes for the support of these enterprises.

Current general knowledge and current scientific advancement with the topics included mentioned above.


Animal husbandry: role of livestock  and poultry  in agriculture and nutritional security, important indigenous and exotic breed of cattle, buffalo, and poultry. Qualitative and quantitative production details of products (eggs, milk, and its products). Animal body structure and function. The housing of dairy and poultry animals.

Animal nutrition, important fodder crops, silage and hay  preparation, balanced ratio: definition and ingredients, milk  processing, pasteurization, and packaging. Principles  of disease management, and vaccination. Rinderpest, foot and mouth disease, mastitis, hemorrhagic septicemia, bird flu, fowl pox, and Ranikhet disease, their prevention, and control.

Current general knowledge and current scientific advancement with the topics included mentioned above.


Structure of seed and its types, dormancy, root, stem, and leaf structure, types, and modifications. Breeding method for self and cross-pollination crops, modes of pollination, modes of reproduction, emasculation, floral biology, hybridization, and its types. Cell structure and function, cell division, mitosis  and meiosis, DNA and RNA, Mutation, photosynthesis, respiration, C3, C4, and CAM plants, and Use of plant growth regulators in crops.

Current general knowledge and current scientific advancement with the topics included mentioned above.


Statistics  definition,  frequency  distribution,  statistical  mean  mode and  median,  dispersion.  Current general knowledge and current scientific advancement with the topics included mentioned above.




Diversity  in the living world, Classification of living organisms, Five kingdom classification. Taxonomy, and binomial nomenclature system. Salient features  of animals  (non-chordates  up to phylum level, and chordales up to class level) and plantsfmajor groups; Angiosperms up to class) classification, viruses, viroids, and lichens. Botanical gardens, herbaria, zoological parks, and museums.

Structural organization in Animals and Plants.

Morphology, anatomy, and functions  of different parts  of flowering plants, inflorescence, flower, fruit, and seed. Morphology, anatomy, and functions  of different systems  of an annelid (earthworm), an insect (cockroach), and an amphibian (frog).

Plant Physiology

Plants and water mineral nutrition, nutrients and gases, Respiration, Photosynthesis, Plant growth, and development.

Human Physiology'

Digestion  and  absorption.  Respiration,  Circulation.  Excretion,  locomotion  and  movement,  neural control and coordination, and Chemical coordination and regulation.


Reproduction in organisms; asexual and sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction in flowering plants. Human reproduction: Reproductive system in male and female, menstrual cycle. Gametogenesis, fertilization, implantation, embryonic  development, pregnancy, parturition, and lactation. Reproductive health: Population and birth control, contraception and MTP; STDs  and infertility.

Genetics and Evolution

Mendelian inheritance, Chromosomal theory  of inheritance, incomplete dominance, co­ dominance, multiple alleles, Sex  determination in humans. Linkage and crossing over. Mendelian and chromosomal disorders  in human beings. DNA and RNA, Search for genetic  material, replication, transcription, genetic  code, translation, gene expression and regulation, genome and Human Genome Project, and DNA fingerprinting.

Evolution:  the  origin  of  life,  theories,  and  evidence,  adaptive  radiation,  mechanism  of  evolution, origin, and evolution of humans.

Biology and Human Welfare

Basic  concept  of  immunology,  vaccines,  pathogens,  parasites.  Cancer  and  AIDS,  Adolescence, and drug/alcohol abuse.

Plant breeding, tissue culture, single cell protein, food production, animal husbandry. Microbes in household food processing, industrial production, sewage treatment, energy  generation. Bio­ control agents, and bio-fertilizers.

Biotechnology and its applications

Principles  and  Processes;  recombinant  DNA  technology,  Application  in  health  and  agriculture, Genetically modified (GM) organisms; Bio-safety issues.

Ecology and Environment

Ecosystems: components, types, energy  How, ecosystem services, Organism and Population: Organisms  and environment, population and ecological adaptations, National Parks  and Sanctuaries, Environmental issues, Biosphere reserves.

Current general knowledge and current scientific advancement with the topics included mentioned above.


Basic concepts of chemistry

Law of chemical combination, atomic and molecular mass, mole concept, classification of matter, physical and chemical changes, molarity and molality, empirical formula.

Structure of atom

Atomic  models  (Bohr's  model, Thomson's  model, and Rutherford's  model). Dual behavior of matter, Heisenberg uncertainty  principle, orbitals, and quantum numbers, Aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principle, Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity, electronic configuration of atoms.

Classification of elements and Periodicity in properties

Modern   periodic   table,   periodicity   in   properties   (electro-negativity,   electron   gain   enthalpy, ionization enthalpy)

Chemical bonding and molecular structure

Octet Rule, covalent bond, ionic bond, bond parameters, valence bond theory, types of overlapping and nature of the covalent bond, hybridization, molecular orbital theory, hydrogen bonding.


The system and the surroundings, work, energy, heat, Hess law

Redox reaction

Oxidation and reduction reactions, oxidation number


Solutions  and  their  types,  colligativc  properties,  ideal  and  non-ideal  solutions,  the vapor  pressure of solutions, and Raoult’s law.

S-Block elements

Alkali   metals   and   alkaline   earth   metals;   introduction,   physical   and   chemical   properties,   a compound of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium.

Organic chemistry

Some  basic  concepts  and  techniques  of  organic  chemistry,  introduction,  nomenclature,  types, source and importance of organic compounds, isomerism, and its types.


General  introduction,  classification,  and  properties  of  alkanes,  alkenes,  and  alkynes;  Aromatic hydrocarbons.


Introduction,   classification,   and   uses   of   polymers   (polyethylene,   polyvinyl   chloride.   Bakelite, melamine, ritbber(naiural and synthetic), and bio-degradable polymers.

Chemistry in everyday life

Chemicals in food and drugs, cleansing agents (soaps and synthetic detergents). Current general knowledge and current scientific advancement with the topics included mentioned above.


Measurement:- Significant figures, accuracy, the precision of measuring instruments, errors  in measurement. Motion:- Projectile motion, angular momentum, linear momentum. Torque, conservation of angular momentum and linear momentum, conservation of energy, kinetic  and potential energy, centripetal force and centrifugal force, static  and dynamic  friction, the concept of center of mass, a moment of inertia and its application, planetary motions and its law. Escape velocity, orbital velocity. Centre of gravity, geostationary satellite.

Properties of Matter

Elasticity,  Hooke’s   law,  coefficient  of  elasticity.  Pressure  due  to  fluids,  Viscosity,  Bernoulli's theorem and its application, Surface Tension.


Law of thermodynamics  and its  application. Heat, Temperature, Thermal expansion. Specific Heat, Latent Heat, Transmission of heat, Newton's cooling law, heat engine, refrigerator, the law of equipartition energy.

Electricity and Magnetism

Electric charges and their properties. Coulomb's law. Electric field, field line and intensity, electric dipole and moment, electric  flux, Gauss's  Theorem, and its  application, electric  potential, Equipotential surface, electric  potential energy, capacitor and capacitance, electric  current, drift velocity, electric  cunent density, Kirchhoffs  law, Whetstone's  bridge, Meter bridge. Potentiometer, magnetic  flux, Lorentz's  force, Biot Savert's law, and its application, conversion of galvanometer into ammeter and voltmeter, electromagnetic  induction, Faraday's  law, Lenz's  law, eddy current, earth's magnetic field, and elements.

Waves and Optics

Simple harmonic  motion. Beats, Doppler effect in sound, electromagnetic  waves, properties, and their application, displacement current. Reflection, refraction, total internal reflection and application, refractive index, lens  maker formula, magnification, power of the lens, Dispersion, Scattering, Polarization, Interference, and Diffraction of light. Optical instruments. Human eye. Huygens' theorem.

Modern Physics

Dual nature of radiation, Matter-wave. Photoelectric  effect. Atomic  structure. Hydrogen Spectrum. Atomic  Nucleus, Radioactivity  a B,y  properties, and Decay. Mass  Defect and Binding energy. Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Nuclear reactor. Band energy  Theory. Semiconductor. Diode. Rectifier. Zener diode as  a voltage regulator, Transistor and its  application as  an (amplifier, oscillator, and switch). Logic Gates.

Current general knowledge and current scientific advancement with the topics included mentioned above.



Definition, frequency distribution, statistical mean mode and median, dispersion.

Current general knowledge and current scientific advancement with the topics included mention'*'1 above.


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